Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Grand Adventures

Every once in awhile, she lets him take the lead. And when that happens, we're all in for a treat. He imagines grand adventures for them, and weapons, tools, or gadgets are almost always included. (I think this is how he sells the idea to her. The opportunity to accessorize often wins her over.) On this occasion, they were explorers, looking for hidden treasure with the help of their brave puppy, who would sniff out important finds. To watch them in these moments is a gift - they are the best of friends, having the time of their lives.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Broken Rule #1

Brian was VERY serious about not letting Penny on the couch. It was absolutely prohibited, with no exceptions. (She had obsessively licked the previous couch and it had to be thrown out. He had a very good point to make.) Well, fast forward to this moment. The rule has been happily (and sleepily) broken.