Did I mention it was my birthday? Truth be told, it wasn't how I had originally envisioned spending the day. Maybe, for a brief moment or two, I would have preferred to talk to my friends without constant distraction. Really though, how lucky was I, to enjoy a beautiful afternoon (look at that blue sky!) with my family and good friends?
That evening, Brian was very kind and picked up some Indian take out while we watched Fraggle Rock with the kids. I even treated myself to a cider. (Because I'm trying to kick my soda habit, I went for alcohol instead. I then pictured myself cracking open a beer everytime I want a coke . . . I found the idea humorous.)
And, even better, he gave me the following morning off, to do some gardening. (This is what I originally envisioned.) Gotta love him. What a lovely birthday weekend.
I had no idea you had a soda habit! I LOVE IT! I think even more highly of you now AND that you are kicking it by turning to alcohol just makes me love you even more. No wonder we are friends.